Under the patronage of the Dean of the College, and within the framework of the college’s constant keenness to encourage its students and the educational process, the Student Affairs Prosecution held two free encouragement courses for high school graduates on Saturday, 8/5/2023 AD and Sunday, 8/6/2023 AD:

Under the patronage of the Dean of the College, and within the framework of the college’s constant keenness to encourage its students and the educational process, the Student Affairs Prosecution held two free encouragement courses for high school graduates on Saturday, 8/5/2023 AD and Sunday, 8/6/2023 AD:

1- How do you choose your university major?

2- Personality analysis 🧐

The courses implemented by trainer *Abdullah Al-Sabahi* aimed to help students choose their appropriate university majors, determine their inclinations and abilities using international tests to determine the students’ professional inclinations, as well as identify future job opportunities for each major, and the criteria for choosing a major, which would correctly determine their educational future. According to their abilities and inclinations.

Personality types and behaviors of each type were also identified, how to deal with different personalities and identifying the pros and cons of each personality, in addition to many topics that included interactive motivational activities.


The *Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Director of Academic Affairs* provided advice, counsel and motivation to all students participating in the courses, considering them the bright future of the nation, wishing everyone success in choosing their specializations according to their inclinations and abilities.